Any discussion of synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning tends to be framed in terms of pros and cons but many of the benefits provided by virtual learning can, situationally, apply to both modalities.
Combining both learning methods allows many language schools in the world to continue offering quality and engaging language education while facing difficult restraints.
The Edugo.AI's Founder and CEO Giuseppe Tomasello hosts this session, and talks on how to bridge synchronous and asynchronous learning, in order to embrace a holistic approach for online language teaching and ensure students a personalized learning experience.
🔹 Synchronous and Asynchronous learning: definition, objectives and real applications;
🔹 The importance of a holistic approach for online language learning;
🔹 The Case study of Edugo.AI platform, as a possible solution to merge synchronous and asynchronous training for an engaging and personalized learning experience.